Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Big Hunt Is On...

 ... as was expected, once dispersed or pinned down, the fate of VSU (in reality NATO forces) is... very bleak. Here are are Akhmat guys and guys of 801 Naval Infantry Brigade dealing with suicidal troops. 

It has to be stated very clearly, that NATO military as a whole is absolutely not designed for war, from low to high tiers. I speak in my video today about the issue of Russian society finally having enough of media and their military "experts". Komsolmolskaya Pravda's piece finally opened with a broadside salvo at all those BSers who literally make shit up for only one purpose--hype and donations. Many of them, including most of these YouTubers, including in the West, are fakes and shysters with zero military background. My video should be up fairly soon. The mop up continues...
P.S. The phrase he says in Russian: 434 Regiment, Akhmat, Chechnya. And--nobody will pass.

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