Sunday, August 25, 2024

Larry Wilkerson's Valuable Insight...

 ... on Judge Nap's show. On culpability. Which only buttresses my constant point that neither Pentagon, let alone CIA, nor, let alone kindergarten in London know what real operations are and act on an amateurish template of Operational Manuals written for fighting people who cannot shoot back. 

Now, today Russian MoD provided the "score" for Kursk. 

"Всего за время боевых действий на Курском направлении противник потерял более 5800 военнослужащих, 72 танка, 31 боевую машину пехоты, 58 бронетранспортеров, 383 боевых бронированных машины, 177 автомобилей, 37 артиллерийских орудий", - говорится в сообщении ведомства. Кроме того, ВСУ потеряли пять установок зенитных ракетных комплексов, 11 пусковых установок реактивных систем залпового огня, в том числе три РСЗО HIMARS и одну MLRS, девять станций радиоэлектронной борьбы, РЛС контрбатарейной борьбы, РЛС противовоздушной обороны, пять единиц инженерной техники, в том числе две инженерные машины разграждения и одну установку разминирования УР-77. "Операция по уничтожению формирований ВСУ продолжается", - добавили в МО РФ.

Translation: "In total, during the military actions in the Kursk direction, the enemy lost more than 5,800 servicemen, 72 tanks, 31 infantry fighting vehicles, 58 armored personnel carriers, 383 armored combat vehicles, 177 cars, 37 artillery pieces," the ministry said in a statement. In addition, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost five anti-aircraft missile systems, 11 multiple launch rocket system launchers, including three HIMARS and one MLRS, nine electronic warfare stations, a counter-battery radar, an air defense radar, five units of engineering equipment, including two engineering vehicles and one UR-77 mine clearing unit. "The operation to destroy the Ukrainian Armed Forces formations continues," the Russian Ministry of Defense added.

Basically, a division has been wiped off the order of battle for VSU and Russian Army gladly continues to wipe out other reserves which are being thrown into this meat-grinder. As I stress all the time--the numbers of VSU losses are very conservative to put it mildly. E.g. double strike on VSU facility and concentration on VSU troops in Slavyansk today. Nobody would even count their 200s and 300s and they will not be included by Russian MoD into statistics. 

That's the template thinking.

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