Thursday, October 17, 2024

Nima And Me...

 ... in an hour, live. 


This Is In The Foundation...

 ... of the whole goddamn thing with the West. 

It was always about it. Even when it deals with metaphysical, such as West's attempts to remove Orthodox Christians through Kiev's regime from their cathedrals, as is the case today in Cherkassy.

Russia and Russian Orthodoxy are a threat to the West by the fact of their fierce independence which can also defend itself. In fact, best in the world in this respect and, yes, it is a very loaded statement.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Larry On "Mixed Reviews"...

 ... of Ze's "Victory Plan", LOL))

Read the whole thing at Larry's blog.

I Salute You, General.

He was a rare breed--of the British Stiff Upper Lip and his coarse voice when he made a decision to stop the slide towards WW III, especially against the background of a hysterical Wesley Clark, sounded with authority. Boy, the world needed then, in 1999, a true British courage and toughness. And General Sir Mike Jackson delivered. 

Russians today pay tribute to a real soldier.  

В Великобритании в возрасте 80 лет скончался отставной генерал Майкл Джексон, бывший начальник штаба Сухопутных сил страны, сообщают британские СМИ со ссылкой на Минобороны королевства и Совет ветеранов десанта. В историю он вошел как «самый разумный военный в НАТО», когда в 1999 году отказался выполнять приказ американского генерала Уэсли Кларка о штурме аэропорта Слатина в Приштине (Косово), который марш-броском заняли российские десантники. «Я не начну третью мировую войну из-за вас», – сказал тогда генерал Джексон американцу. Проявив тем самым ответственность, которая выше ответственности перед вышестоящим руководителем – ответственность ни много ни мало за судьбу всего человечества.

Translation: Retired General Michael Jackson, former Chief of Staff of the British Army, has died at the age of 80, British media reported, citing the UK Ministry of Defence and the Airborne Veterans Council. He went down in history as "the most sensible military man in NATO" when in 1999 he refused to carry out an order from US General Wesley Clark to storm the Slatina airport in Pristina (Kosovo), which Russian paratroopers had taken by force. "I will not start World War III because of you," General Jackson told the American. He thereby demonstrated a responsibility that is higher than responsibility to a superior - a responsibility for the fate of all mankind, no more and no less.

Rest In Peace General! You were a true soldier and a pride of United Kingdom. I salute you.

Russia will also remember you.

Colonel Is On Fire Today.

Indeed, real professionals know the truth... Emphasis on REAL. 

No, Not Really.

 BND chief knows very little about Russia and... Germany. 

Most Russians don't give a flying fuck if Germany ceases to exist tomorrow. I speak about this and other things in my video.  

NATO Armor Doesn't Do Well...

 ... in Kursk borderlands. Neither did SS Panzer Divisions in 1943. Thanks to Kazmans. 

I wonder where those mighty British Challengers are, I am positive these wonder weapons surely will turn the tide of SMO in 404's (euphemism for NATO) favor. Right? Nah, I am screwing with you)). They are in the swamp.