Sunday, January 19, 2025

Medvedev In His Parting Words To Biden ...

 ... allows for this, after describing a complete degeneration of his Admin. The Walking Dead, The End of the Season

Lately, he clearly did not fully understand what was happening. Yes, it must be admitted that such a war is beneficial to the US economically. But the political costs and the real threat of a fatal conflict are much more serious. But the old man was not ready for this. This is the case when the head of the world's largest power completely failed to cope with the situation. As a result, the Democrats lost the election miserably. If Biden's problem is his inadequacy, then his Administration's fault is that on the Russian track it deliberately left a very difficult crisis legacy for its successors. The harmful bookmarks of Biden's decisions will take a long time to manifest itself. And therefore, it will be extremely difficult to communicate. Full normalization of Russian-American relations will take decades.  Although, in my opinion, in the current reality it is basically impossible. And quite frankly, it is unclear whether it is needed at all...

Here, the highest political level of Russia talking. And if to prove these points:

МОСКВА, 19 янв — РИА Новости. От системы SWIFT надо отказаться, чтобы избежать утечек информации, заявил глава ВТБ Андрей Костин в интервью, которое журналист Павел Зарубин опубликовал в Telegram-канале. "SWIFT надо убить просто-напросто, в хорошем смысле слова, отказаться от него и больше с ним не работать. Это прямая утечка информации к нашим недругам <…> и главное, что это настолько просто решить — это чисто административное решение, договоренности двух сторон и немножко технологических решений, вот и все", — сказал Костин. Несколько лет назад SWIFT была главной системой для обработки платежей — через нее проходили почти все банковские операции в мире. Но в 2014 году, когда западные страны впервые пригрозили отключить Россию от системы, крупные страны стали создавать альтернативы. В России появилась Система передачи финансовых сообщений (СПФС).

Translation: MOSCOW, January 19 — RIA Novosti. The SWIFT system should be abandoned to avoid information leaks, VTB CEO Andrey Kostin said in an interview that journalist Pavel Zarubin published on his Telegram channel. "SWIFT should be simply killed, in a good sense of the word, abandoned and no longer used. This is a direct leak of information to our enemies <…> and the main thing is that it is so easy to solve — it is a purely administrative decision, an agreement between the two parties and a few technological solutions, that's all," Kostin said. Several years ago, SWIFT was the main system for processing payments — almost all banking transactions in the world went through it. But in 2014, when Western countries first threatened to disconnect Russia from the system, large countries began to create alternatives. The Financial Message Transfer System (SPFS) appeared in Russia.

As Medvedev pointed out (collective) Biden had no clue what he was getting the combined West into. Many still don't, including in this blog, continuing to discuss things which are not there, such as totally made-up (in their vivid imaginations) intentions of Russia and her military-political top. But never mind, now this creep from Biden's NSA (likely an illiterate "intel" asset), Eric Green, does what all of them do best--lies.

“We were deliberately not talking about the territorial parameters,” says Eric Green, who served on Biden’s National Security Council at the time, overseeing Russia policy. The U.S., in other words, made no promise to help Ukraine recover all of the land Russia had occupied, and certainly not the vast territories in eastern Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula taken in its initial invasion in 2014. The reason was simple, Green says: in the White House’s view, doing so was beyond Ukraine’s ability, even with robust help from the West. “That was not going to be a success story ultimately. The more important objective was for Ukraine to survive as a sovereign, democratic country free to pursue integration with the West.” 

The CYA (Cover Your Ass) has started in earnest. Washington is seeded with credentialed cretins who do not understand the scale of crime against humanity and war crimes they committed. And this is a rare point where I and Scott diverge--Russians have no reverence for war criminals be them from CIA or political top and here is someone who stands by her words, since this is the official Moscow's position. 

Официальный представитель МИД России Мария Захарова заявила, что виновные в зверствах против жителей Курской области будут наказаны, но на международные структуры в этом вопросе надеяться не стоит. Международные организации, по ее словам, продолжают игнорировать массовые убийства мирных граждан, совершаемые украинскими неонацистами, и отказываются от расследования преступлений киевского режима, передает РИА «Новости». Захарова отметила, что Запад, поощряя киевский режим, делает вид, что не замечает грубого нарушения международного гуманитарного права и Женевских конвенций. «Это именно то, что государства коллективного Запада ждут от бандеровцев. Цинично отводят взгляд от их преступных деяний», – заявила она. Российские следственные органы проведут все необходимые действия для выявления виновных, и они понесут заслуженное наказание. Захарова добавила, что это будет происходить аналогично многим другим выявленным преступлениям киевского режима. «Мы сделаем это сами», – уверенно заявила она. 

Translation: The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, stated that those guilty of atrocities against residents of the Kursk region will be punished, but there is no point in relying on international structures in this matter. According to her, international organizations continue to ignore the mass murder of civilians committed by Ukrainian neo-Nazis and refuse to investigate the crimes of the Kyiv regime, RIA Novosti reports. Zakharova noted that the West, encouraging the Kiev regime, pretends not to notice the gross violation of international humanitarian law and the Geneva Conventions. "This is exactly what the states of the collective West expect from the Banderites. They cynically look away from their criminal acts," she said. Russian investigative bodies will take all necessary actions to identify the perpetrators, and they will receive the punishment they deserve. Zakharova added that this will happen similarly to many other crimes of the Kyiv regime that have been identified. "We will do it ourselves," she confidently stated.

Identities of people, from the top military-political echelon down to ground level "advisers" from MI6, CIA, Polish orgs etc. are largely known--they aided Nazis and atrocities, and I don't buy for a second those stories about super cool CIA or Special Forces dudes who can face down the "toughest" enemies. They can't. This issue will be (with a very high probability) discussed between Russia and the US, or rather for starters with this Kellogg dude who knows about real war as much as I know about Chinese choreography. I am sure he will watch Rambo movies prior to talking to Russians to update himself on current events.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Liberated Russkoe Porechnoe.

In Kursk oblast. Russian soldiers inspect buildings and in one of the basements found bodies of numerous old victims, who have been tortured by 404 nazis and then, with tied hands, herded into basement and executed by throwing grenades into basement. I sense NATO "training" here. West cannot be saved. 

Russia, Iran, Combined West.

I speak about treaty between Russia and Iran. And about the fraud of "negotiations" still being spun in the West. France and UK, LOL))

Explanation Verbatim.

For those who still have any illusions. Moscow doesn't have any. 

МОСКВА, 17 января. /ТАСС/. Коренных изменений политики санкционного давления США на Россию во время президентства Дональда Трампа быть не может, не стоит предаваться чрезмерным ожиданиям. Об этом заявил журналистам пресс-секретарь президента РФ Дмитрий Песков, комментируя заявление выдвинутого Трампом на пост министра финансов США Скотта Бессента, который высказался за ужесточение санкций против России и ее нефтяного сектора. "То, что американская администрация при определенном декларировании политической воли к диалогу существенно не изменит своего характера в этом плане, это ни для кого не секрет. Здесь не нужно предаваться каким-то чрезмерным ожиданиям. Никаких коренных изменение быть не может", - заявил представитель Кремля. Говоря о просанкционном высказывании Бессента, представитель Кремля отметил, что "было бы странно, если, будучи министром, Бессент не поддержал решение своего президента". "Такого просто не может быть. То есть в случае неподдержания он просто ушел бы в отставку", - заметил Песков.

Translation: MOSCOW, January 17. /TASS/. There can be no fundamental changes in the US sanctions pressure policy on Russia during Donald Trump's presidency, and there is no need to indulge in excessive expectations. This was stated to journalists by Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the statement by Scott Bessent, nominated by Trump for the post of US Treasury Secretary, who spoke in favor of tightening sanctions against Russia and its oil sector. "It is no secret that the American administration, despite a certain declaration of political will for dialogue, will not significantly change its character in this regard. There is no need to indulge in excessive expectations. There can be no fundamental changes," the Kremlin spokesman said. Speaking about Bessent's pro-sanction statement, the Kremlin spokesman noted that "it would be strange if, as a minister, Bessent did not support the decision of his president." "This simply cannot happen. That is, if he did not support it, he would simply resign," Peskov noted.

So, here it is, and this is not posturing. Russia is not going to be discussing 404--this territory is none of the US's business--global arrangements are a completely different business.

Friday, January 17, 2025

I Am Not Going To Lie ...

David's death got me, big time. We attended our friend's wedding where in Twin Peaks Laura's body was found (a hint--it is before the bridge to Bainbridge Island) relatively recently. Yes, it is still there. The diner is still in the Snoqualmie Falls too. This whole universe could have been created only in the state of Washington. But (apart from Eraserhead) it was this which announced, fucked as it was by the studio, of a visionary of an immense scale. Forget about the Elephant Man. 

Star Wars, heh, a lobotomy to sci-fi. This was the world so bizarre and so enticing that the whole view, lacking dramatically in Herbert's books, of the Dune universe came alive. Frank Herbert, ever present on the set was in awe from David's vision. Weirding modules--that's what David's art was. Weird, bizarre and infinitely beautiful. But it was this, probably, which describes David the best. 

Of course, Harry Dean Stanton too. We live in the presence of a true artist (please, don't give me this Tarkovsky shit) and his body of work is immense. 

There will never be another him ... 

Open Thread.

 Go at it. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Garland And Me.

Live in about 35 minutes. It is a video day for me today. Probably tomorrow too.