Monday, February 3, 2025

How Much One Has To Hate ...

 ... Russian guts as to go to 404 at the age of 72 to fight for Kiev regime. I'll give you a hint--by the age of 50 most combat qualities which one may have dissipate almost completely. But, not for this guy:

«Россия должна немедленно освободить Стивена Хаббарда. Было установлено, что Хаббард был задержан неправомерно – его не должны были брать в плен или отправлять в тюрьму в России», – сообщили Русской службе «Голоса Америки» в Госдепартаменте. Там добавили, что «Соединенные Штаты будут продолжать работать над освобождением Хаббарда и всех других американцев, несправедливо задержанных в России». 7 октября Московский городской суд приговорил 72-летнего американца Стивена Хаббарда к шести годам и 10 месяцам колонии общего режима, признав его виновным в участии в боевых действиях на стороне Украины в качестве наемника. По данным российского следствия, ему якобы платили 1000 долларов в месяц за службу в украинском подразделении территориальной обороны в городе Изюм, где он жил с 2014 года. Согласно материалам дела, он заключил контракт с Вооруженными силами Украины (ВСУ) в феврале 2022 года, а спустя два месяца, когда российские войска вошли в Изюм, Хаббарда задержали. По данным российских СМИ, Хаббард признал свою вину.

Translation: The US State Department has found Stephen Hubbard wrongfully detained in Russia, the department told the Voice of America Russian Service. In October 2024, the US citizen was sentenced in Russia to nearly seven years in prison, having been found guilty of participating in the war on the side of Ukraine. “Russia must immediately release Stephen Hubbard. It has been determined that Hubbard was wrongfully detained – he should never have been captured or imprisoned in Russia,” the State Department told the Voice of America Russian Service. They added that “the United States will continue to work to free Hubbard and all other Americans unjustly detained in Russia.” On October 7, the Moscow City Court sentenced 72-year-old American Stephen Hubbard to six years and 10 months in a general regime penal colony, finding him guilty of participating in hostilities on the side of Ukraine as a mercenary. According to Russian investigators, he was allegedly paid $1,000 a month to serve in a Ukrainian territorial defense unit in the city of Izyum, where he had lived since 2014. According to the case file, he signed a contract with the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in February 2022, and two months later, when Russian troops entered Izyum, Hubbard was detained. According to Russian media, Hubbard admitted his guilt.

It would be a good start for the Department of State to learn about the status of mercenaries and be thankful to Russians who exhibited a great deal of humanity by not shooting the guy on the spot and giving him a proper trial. Eventually, the court may consider the guy's good behavior in penal colony, his age and him being a retard and will release him earlier. But there are others who already were and will be "taken care of" together with their Nazi "brethren" at the frontlines. Yes, Russia is no Africa or Iraq where many Western mercenaries got used to fighting grossly inferior opponents, in SMO roles are completely reversed because the real war is not some Baghdad police operation.

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