Friday, June 21, 2024

The State Of The Affairs...

 ... in the world today as expressed by David Lynch in his masterpiece. 

I have to admit, prescient in Herbert's book and Lynch's fantastic imagining of it. Reminds you of anything today?

Nima and Me...

 ... yesterday.


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Garland, Scott And Yours Truly... 5 minutes ago))

In Related News...

 ... about 404. 

In a June 16 interview with the news channel of Ukraine’s army, Armiya TV, an Azov commander admitted to his unit being used to prevent other Ukrainian units from retreating.  Dmitry Kukharchuk, the commander of the Second Battalion of Ukraine’s Third Assault Brigade, the current iteration of the neo-Nazi-linked unit, recounts a moment in 2022 when his unit was positioned behind a unit of Ukraine’s territorial defense forces (TRO) to prevent its retreat:

“Motivational troops” appears to be a euphemism for a “blocking detachment” (also known as “barrier troops”), a unit positioned behind the frontline to prevent retreat. It appears that Azov’s “motivation” existed as an implicit threat, preventing the TRO soldiers from falling back.

In related news--the water is wet, the fire is hot and concrete is painful when you fall on it from 20 feet height. They have been shooting VSU cannon fodder in the backs since day one. And, in fact, it was also part of the training provided by the NATO "instructors" who due to them sucking at real war are very good at shooting at the backs of retreating troops. Public executions in a front of the units have been also a normal affair in VSU since day one. But give The American Conservative a credit, after 30 months of SMO they finally noticed. Does Estonian own this publication, if you know what I mean? Since we are at TAC. 

Reaganism is the same type of mental illness as is exceptionalism, so Doug Bandow continues to live in the illusionary world that if you somehow define "victory" you may get some sort of favorable result: 

The allies should lay the groundwork for negotiations today, when Ukraine’s position is strongest. It is still possible to preserve that nation’s independence and sovereignty, while accepting military restrictions and territorial losses. How much would depend on talks. Washington and Brussels should discuss possible economic and security arrangements with Moscow. For example, Ukraine could be nonaligned militarily—with Russia assured that it would not face a hostile state allied with America on its border—but still free to form economic and political ties with Europe. If Russia makes peace, it could be free to reengage economically and politically with the West. The allies could offer the return of frozen funds and property to Moscow and individual Russians. 

What Bandow doesn't understand is that Putin's "offer" was peremptory and that the West far from having a strategy--it is an unknown thing in Washington--missed completely, as is ALWAYS the case in the US--in fact, I think they teach that in USMA at West Point and in War Colleges--the nature of the conflict. Few people who do grasp this nature, they usually do not go far in Washington. So, wishful thinking is not a strategy and for Bandow, if he still didn't understand the issue--Russia is at war with combined West and she will not stop now until Western hegemony is over.

For People Who Still Recall...

 ... this so called "strategist". Remember?

Russia should revise its nuclear doctrine and lower its nuclear threshold in order to deter the West from pursuing reckless policies, says former foreign policy adviser to the deputy head of the Russian Presidential Administration, Sergey Karaganov. The political scientist, who is the honorary chair of the presidium of Russia’s Council on Foreign and Defense policy (SVOP), has in the past repeatedly brought up the issue of nuclear weapons, in a number of articles, and has suggested that Russia should consider the possibility of carrying out preemptive nuclear strikes against targets in Europe at some point. Karaganov’s controversial suggestions have landed him in hot water, as SVOP members even issued a joint letter this summer “unequivocally condemning” his reasoning and calling it “irresponsible” to assume a nuclear conflict could be limited without spiraling into a global nuclear war, costing millions of lives.

It is easy when you have no viable education and is privileged boy from Soviet/Russian Moscow Beau Monde who wouldn't know the difference between operational and strategic. So, spewing BS is the only skill these types have. But, finally, Vladimir Vladimirovich put all this pseudo-military amateurish crap to rest. Today, to the whole world. 

Translation:  We don’t need a preventive strike yet, because in a retaliatory (head-on response strike) strike the enemy will be guaranteed to be destroyed,” the Russian leader explained, commenting on the possibility of updating the nuclear doctrine.

Simple as that, and that validates what I started to state the moment announcements of the possibility of changes to Russian nuclear doctrine started to circulate--the changes will be primarily of the technical (and technological) nature and will involve the imposition on the US of the technological development in the delivery and anti-missile systems where the US is radically falling behind and the gap only grows. In SMO--Russia will continue to annihilate mobilization potential of NATO, and continue to kill 404 cannon fodder.

But, Of Course...

 ... I was mistaken, damn it--no "breakthroughs" from North Korean "scientists". It will be done (already?) in the open. 

West, a euphemism for the US primarily, doesn't think--enough to take a look at a boy Jake Sullivan whose "national security" background is in running Hillary's campaign and... well, that's about it, or at the present crop of Pentagon generals and one gets the idea about "intellectual level" of these people. But for those who really want to get the idea--draw two circles--one 800 km radius (P-800 Onyx) and another 2,500 km (Iskander with cruise missiles)--with the center somewhere in North Korea  and what you get is the full coverage of the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan and well into the South China Sea. With that North Korea begins to cover the whole theater of operation of the US Navy (its bases in Japan included) and we all understand what it all means. Yes, it is a dramatic shift in the balance of power in South-East Asia. 

You see, in real strategy--not in election cycle "strategy" nowadays it is all about ranges and accuracy. Russia was patient with the West for a long time. And this is just North Korea, who knows what Iran will decide to do and with what, if you know what I mean, wink, wink. 

Per changes in Nuclear Doctrine, as I already stated--it is about more and better weapon systems beyond stated "sufficiency", especially in hypersonic delivery systems to completely discredit any remnants of NATO anti-missile defense and push it into debilitating expensive arms race which it already lost. Keep in mind--with dedollarization reaching now an incredible speed and the USD de facto losing its reserve currency status, the US simply has no resources to sustain this race both economically and scientifically. I am sure more free-falling nuclear bombs scared Russians, right? Nah, I am screwing with you. But the US "rethinking" its nuclear posture gave Russia an excuse to break all shackles of pretense and free itself for showing a bunch of globalist cowards that the real game begins. The greatest of those shackles was Russian belief till 2022 that you still can reason with the West. You cannot. Washington and its euro-poodles understand only the cold hard barrel of the gun at their temple.  

P.S. Russia and North Korea have a direct railway link and a lot could be delivered by trains.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

You Know You Are In Trouble...

 ... when this kind of news begins to make headlines around the world. 

That tells you something. It is, indeed, criminal and atrocious what has been done to once great commercial aerospace company, that what once would have been considered a stellar position, a position to be proud of and heralding one's engineering and managerial achievement, has become toxic and nobody wants to take it. Even considering immense financial and other corporate rewards.  

Sadly, Boeing's problems do not stop just with the search for a new CEO:

Obviously, Starliner is a brand new capsule, but, boy, evidently the leaks are serious and under these circumstances it is right decision to keep astronauts on ISS for now. Do we see Soyuz in the nearest future if issues will not be resolved? One cannot exclude such a situation. For the most part astronauts and cosmonauts are a friendly bunch, with the exception of Senator Mark Kelly whose badmouthing Russians is a sign of his inferiority complex, and they do come to help each-other if need be. So, let's keep fingers crossed. Will Musk enter the equation? I cannot even conceive what these two astronauts feel now, especially if they will be cleared to fly Starliner back to Earth. But Boeing is a reflection of the overall state of the United States today.

Gravity Bombs!?

 No, really--is this a comedy or what? 


Surprisingly Fast...

 ... but here it is!

В Петербурге 18 июня на воду спустили восстановленный после пожара корвет «Проворный». Это событие стало важным как для «Северной верфи», которая занималась строительством корвета, так и для Военно-морского флота России, ведь новый корабль в будущем войдет в его состав. - Мы спустили на воду первый серийный корабль нового поколения - корвет «Проворный» проекта 20385. Головной корабль, корвет «Гремящий», был ранее принят в состав ВМФ и сейчас достойно несет службу на Тихоокеанском флоте, - сказал главнокомандующий Военно-морского флота России Александр Моисеев в ходе церемонии спуска на воду.

Translation: In St. Petersburg, on June 18, the corvette “Provorny”, restored after a fire, was launched. This event became important both for Severnaya Verf, which was building the corvette, and for the Russian Navy, because the new ship will be part of it in the future. “We launched the first production ship of the new generation - the corvette “Provorny” of project 20385. The lead ship, the corvette “Gremyashchy”, was previously accepted into the Navy and is now serving with dignity in the Pacific Fleet,” said Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Alexander Moiseev during the launching ceremony.

This is 3M22 Zircon carrier, mind you. 

Good as new and with a salvo capable to sink CBG.

The Hell You Say...

 ... this cannot be. Nah, I am screwing with you, of course. 

And how could this be, for years we have been told that any minute now those things will be developed and deployed. Ah, here it is:

Shielding hypersonic missiles’ sensitive electronics, understanding how various materials behave and predicting aerodynamics at temperatures as high as 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit (1,649 degrees Celsius) will require extensive flight testing, the U.S. Congressional Budget Office said in a 2023 report, adding that test failures in recent years have delayed progress.

No shit, geniuses, pardon my French. How about "going back to school" and trying to develop supersonic missile, such as P-800 Onyx or, for that matter, Mach=4.2 Kh-32, both of which have been used to a devastating effect in SMO? How about getting those precious datasets, telemetry, develop materials, develop extremely high impulse fuels such as decilin, ability to control missile et al. Recall, two plus years ago I warned: 

Boy, was I overly optimistic. So, 20 years, eh. Hey, I merely report the news here. Remember 2018 and all those Western "experts" who spoke about those boutique weapons? And then suddenly the term hypersonic became so popular in the West. Well, as they say in Caucasus--no matter how many times you repeat the word baklava it will not get any sweeter in your mouth.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Karen Makes Great Points...

 ... at Judge's about West's "children".


Two Things...

 ... in re. this news:

Russian President Vladimir Putin has begun a two-day state visit to North Korea, where he will meet with the country’s leadership for talks on economic, security, and international issues. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un personally greeted Putin at the Pyongyang airport, for the Russian president's first visit since 2000. The trip, which kicked off on Tuesday, will involve a “very busy agenda,” according to Putin’s foreign policy aide, Yuri Ushakov, who noted that the two sides intend to sign several agreements. The Russian president has already authorized the signing of a landmark Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement with North Korea. Ushakov also said Putin and Kim were expected to hold lengthy face-to-face talks to discuss “the most important, the most sensitive issues.” The visit will be largely focused on the international agenda.

The result will highly likely be:

1. A dramatic improvement of North Korea's economic development;

2. North Korea suddenly being able to "develop" state-of-the-are A2/AD capabilities based on North Korea's scientists "breakthroughs" in developing long range supersonic anti-shipping missiles and ISR. Damn, those North Korean scientists. 

Ah, yes, there is a third point--it is all on the border with South Korea which houses some US military bases. Nothing that intermediate range missiles with excellent targeting cannot rectify.

"Why We Fight"...

 ... remember this series of propaganda WW II movies? It has been revealed now why. This is Zaporozhye today (pay attention--empty streets) and a recruiting office. I wonder what this emblem reminds me of, cannot put a finger on it exactly... ah, wait... 

How appropriate--Stars and Stripes and good ol' Nazi crest together (granted with Trident instead of Swastika)...

Hey, remember Patton? After all he was right when he concluded that the United States was "fighting the wrong enemy".

Monday, June 17, 2024


 ... why not take interview with some... French general. In related news--hypersonic weapons are hard, like really-really hard. PR, on the other hand, is easy. 

Didn't I warn about it like... two years ago? Let me translate this for you: "Problems with the launcher and launch sequence." (c) No, the problems are not with that, this all is utter BS. The problem is with gliding body, its inability to sustain hypersonic flight and, finally, inability to control it because this is the key to REAL hypersonic weapons. Now, this cretin from Defense One--a collection of butthurt US military amateurs tries to compensate:

U.S. officials have described an “arms race” against China for hypersonics development, a field that Russia also invests in. In 2023, Ukraine shot down six Kinzhal hypersonic missiles, although experts noted that they were not the maneuverable type of missile typically referred to under the umbrella term of “hypersonics.” In February, Russia attacked Ukraine with the Zircon hypersonic missile for the first time. 

Yes, in fact--404 shot down all Zircon and Kinzhal missiles, because, you know, Patriot PAC3 is the best thing in universe like... ever. In general, most of Western military academies, let alone some shitty courses in "Security Studies" and other "Strategy" crap should simply be dissolved due to professional incompetence and their staffs moved to fiction writing departments in liberal arts colleges. To Sam Skove who penned this crap--he should take basic military courses from people who actually know how to fight real wars and maybe take intro courses in math and physics. But I feel his pain... tough to be a loser.

Absolutely True And Sad...

 ... comment. It hits hard on so many levels. 

Family of traditional Catholics finding refuge in Russia...

Those who do not know Russian, find the meaning of the word затискать in its good, positive connotation. No, it is not to cause pain or harm, its main meaning is to hug and kiss and hold near oneself someone who is so dear. It literally means to затискать in hugs of love. Russia fell in love with Florine. As did the Soviet Union with Samantha Smith whose disarming smile is imprinted still on so many people of my generation. Keep in mind, these are always American children for some reason. It is metaphysical, born out of something which only America and Russia possess. But now, the American girl in Russia and Russians falling in love with her... So natural...

Big Fluffy Words...

 ... or why Stoltenberg wouldn't be allowed to be a cook on Ohio or Borey-class boomers, nothing against critical role cooks play anywhere, not to mention the fact of them being a critical element of damage control and survivabilty teams on subs. Our cooks (surface fleet) have been also trained as reserve artillery guys. It is so cute when former PM of Norway with degree in "economics" talks about nuclear weapons. 

Per French, so far Airbus and 4 Triomphants keep them somewhat relevant. As conventional Armed Forces... LOL)))

Leaving Havana.

You see, no Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0, no super tensions, just friendly visit. 


The Phrase Of The Week...

 ... from James Kunstler. 

Why the European members of NATO wanted to go along with this nickel-plated clusterfuck is an abiding puzzle of history now, like who exactly bumped off JFK in 1963. Germany, the Euro club’s biggest economy, stood by listlessly while America blew up its supply of affordable natgas (the Nord Stream pipelines), which was an act of war by us against Germany. Apparently, Olaf Scholz went to our CIA station in Berlin for a haircut one day and came out with a lobotomy, staring blankly through the whole affair like a Hinterwälder steer on the killing floor. Meanwhile, goodbye industrial economy! Nice knowing you. Looks like it’s back to the fourteenth century, living on rough black bread, sleeping with the cattle under your house for heat in winter, fighting jihadis inside your town walls. . . .

Indeed, looking at modern Germany one begins to wonder what level of sheer idiocy have been those people brought to. Here is the fresh example--this is Germany's "opposition", mind you. 

At this stage German way of thinking strikes one as that of the aliens from a wonderful movie Dark City in their quest to understand humans' soul. Obviously, due to their alien race not having one. But then again, show me a single German politician today who is not corrupt or with family blood which doesn't desire revenge on Russia. It is not surprising that it was former GDR's Leipzig which booed Rod Stewart and his pro-404 escapades, while Berlin was OK with it. It is, indeed, Dark City in Europe. I am not sure about XIV century in Germany, but it sure will be immediate post-WWII economic state (say early 1950s) for Germans with some toys like internet and smart phones added to ease the dawning realization of who and how brought this once thriving country to its knees.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Yegorov Of "Zvezda" Confirms...

 ... albeit using the older video of a surface launch, that Kazan officially carries 3M22 Zircon. Here is his report from Havana (in Russian), including some details which you will not find in Western media. The condition for both ships entering Havana was the absence of nuclear weapons on board. 

Even without nukes, combination of weapons on both ships is strategic in nature. Also, pay attention to US buoys (hundred +) spent in attempts to track Kazan. 

Another Zircon-Onyx-Kalibr-Otvet carrier Marshal Shaposhnikov together with RKR Varyag (this one, unlike sunk Moskva, is fully upgraded and digitized) was visiting Egypt. Well, will wait for Military Acceptance with more details of those visits.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Larry's Excellent Delivery...

 ... at SPIEF a few days ago. 


Ha, CNN Reports...

 ... actual news from Havana. Not the first half of the report, of course. But visit to Admiral Gorshkov is open for public. Upper deck only, of course.  

Obviously, no one is allowed on board of Kazan. As expected, the discussion board below the video is dominated by massive numbers of TSIPSO and simply genuine article Khohol and other Western fanboys, but the truth is--as I reiterated a number of times--it is what is in waters in the Eastern and Western seaboards which really matters. Couple of the US vessels with SURTASS are  hanging around the area waiting for any opportunity to get Kazan's acoustic signature, but Russians are keenly aware of the rules of the game and Kazan, naturally, will sail on the surface until she breaks off nosy SURTASS guys and a couple of Virginias or Seawolves doing lapses in the vicinity. Good Ol' submariners game. 

What many fanboys didn't notice of course is Academic Pashin...

Russian Navy's latest class of replenishment ships (oilers) of pr. 23130 with 2 completed, 2 building and 2 ships of this class planned. They are state-of-the-art and are designed and built precisely for the type of global affairs such as the visit of a detachment of Russian ships to Cuba. Each of the ships of this class is capable to carry more than 5,000 tons of fuel, plus other supplies. My memory, however, brings me back to this mighty supplier...
At 25,000 tons, she was a mighty fine ship. Well, times change and surface fleets are rethinking their footprint in the times of hypersonic weapons and 24/7 ISR.

The Scale Of The Slaughter...

 ... of VSU... Well, judge for yourself. 


About FLEET-2024...

 ... International Exhibition in St. Petersburg by ROE. 


Friday, June 14, 2024

Alex And Alexander...

 ... give a good talk about Russia's real economy. 

The only point of contention is the size of... American economy most of which is reported from the service sector, real estate and other financial indices. It is definitely not $23 trillion and it is dwarfed by the economy of China. The structure matters here, and while still significant, US real sector, real industries, shrunk in the last 25 years dramatically, if not catastrophically. The hint is, of course, Russia producing MORE steel and iron than the US, and producing about 70% of energy of the US. Energy consumption in MTOE (Million Tons Oil Equivalent) for 2022 puts ratio at this figure:

Which roughly translated into about 38% of US consumption. Russian economy continues to surge like crazy and by the end of 2025 should hover at 40-42% of the US one. Which gives us a very rough size of Russian economy being about 40% of the US one if one projects those figures directly at GDP number, which, in its turn, is an extremely rough approximation. 

That Was The Point...

 ... of Vladimir Harkonnen... ah, pardon me, Putin's peace gesture. 

And, as was expected:

The terms Russian President Vladimir Putin outlined for ending the conflict are an “ultimatum” to Ukraine and as such unacceptable, Vladimir Zelensky has said. Speaking at a meeting with senior Russian Foreign Ministry officials on Friday, Putin said that Kiev would have to cede all the territory of four regions that chose to join Russia and guarantee it would never join NATO before peace talks could begin. “What can I say? These messages are ultimatum messages, they are nothing different than other ultimatums that he has made before,” Zelensky told the TV network Sky TG24 while attending the G7 meeting in the south of Italy. “He wants us to give up part of our occupied territories, but he also wants the unoccupied ones. He talks about regions of our country, and he won’t stop,” Zelensky claimed. 

So, the "thunder" of "peace conference" in Switzerland is gone and as Dmitry Medvedev stated to the West--I give just the you. So, the annihilation of 404 continues. Meanwhile, here is Nima talking to me yesterday:

I saw the post about John Mearsheimer talking to Judge about Russian Navy. As I state non-stop, Mearsheimer's understanding of modern warfare is that of an amateur. He graduated USMA at West Point, but, evidently, learned absolutely nothing and hence wasted his "talents" in the field of fake political "science". He has no clue about Russia, and about the United States, for that matter.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Larry Gives Excellent Summary...

... to G-7 (out of those G-7 only two are actual Gs--the US, and Japan. The rest...) and "Security Agreement" between US and 404. 

One thing is certain, neither Biden nor Zelensky will be around in ten years. This is an act of political theater and deception. Biden, backed by the G-7, insists that Ukraine has the military capability, with NATO support, to fight Russia to a standstill. To be impolite, that is bullshit! Biden’s promises are empty. The United States is unable to supply the air defense, artillery and armor weapon systems that Ukraine claims it needs to stop the Russians. They blithely ignore the fact that even if the United States could actually deliver those weapons, Ukraine does not have the manpower nor the ability to train up an army capable of stopping the Russians. The news from the battlefield in Ukraine is growing more dire with each passing day. Russia is methodically destroying Ukrainian forces and Ukraine’s ability to provide electricity to nonexistent industrial plants. Ukraine is the equivalent of a degenerate drug addict, utterly dependent on what the U.S. chooses to supply.

That's on target!

Anybody Doubted It?

I, honestly, didn't. 

But almost a year later, and only weeks before the next NATO summit, in Washington, those F-16s have yet to arrive. In fact, despite a commitment that those planes will start reaching Ukraine by the end of this summer, issues with their delivery are becoming clearer — from the number of pilots who will be able to fly them to crews ready to keep them working. The training pipeline on the F-16s is pretty meager,” said a senior U.S. defense official, speaking with reporters on the condition of anonymity to talk candidly. F-16s hold the promise to firm up Ukraine’s self-defense. The fighters would bring its air force closer to NATO-style tactics and systems, making it easier to work with the alliance overall. And they could lengthen Ukraine’s range at a moment when other countries are dropping restrictions on what targets its military can choose.

Now, they lament:

The Netherlands and Denmark are leading that effort, though other states like Norway and Belgium are also involved. The number of planes committed this year totals around 60, and Ukraine should start receiving those by the end of the summer.  That said, there have been multiple kinks in the process to deliver them, and make sure they’re useful. The first is training. Between Europe and the U.S. there are only a dozen or so Ukrainian pilots learning to fly the planes right now, said the American defense official. “That’s just a handful of pilots, and that’s just the pilots,” the official said. Almost as crucial are the other members of the crew, such as maintainers, who keep the plane working. Brown made a similar point in the interview, saying that Ukraine will only be able to use as many planes as it has crews. Training at Morris Air National Guard Base in Tucson, Arizona began last fall, and the first round of Ukrainian pilots graduated only weeks ago in late May. But finding spots for new ones has been difficult. There’s a small pool of Ukrainian pilots eligible for the training, which requires deep experience, and there’s already a queue of non-Ukrainian pilots in line as well.

Now, let me explain what "NATO tactics and systems" are: it is flying in AD permissive (sometimes absent altogether), EW permissive (or absent altogether) environments, and in absence of any opposing air force. That's tactics and systems. Some simulation of US F-22, F-35 and such of aerial combat in Syria against Russian Su-35s and Su-30SMs is just the boys playing their games. No modern US pilot ever had, let alone has any experience in flying in real aerial combat environment, especially in the circumstances when most comms in NATO tactical air-groups will be jammed, there will be no GPS and most of NATO groups including their E-8C Joint Stars will be either shot down or jammed. Why do I concentrate on that? Because, which it is obvious now, due to well-known issues with "training" of 404 pilots the only option for manning those F-16s will be... drum place NATO pilots in those F-16s cockpits. 

For any NATO pilot who didn't get drunk on Top Gun: Maverick advanced air combat course, or still believes Senator Mark Kelly that Russians "cannot fly formation", acquaintance with R-37 AAM or with S-350 or S-400 could be a real life changing experience. Literally. US pilots have about zero real BVR combat, Russians do it all the time and R 15 million is a damn good sum of money. In fact, Russians operate the only 5th generation fighters which fly into real combat pretty much regularly. But, as I warned Nima today, when speaking to him (the video should be posted tomorrow or the next day), US media are readying themselves to disseminate another crock o' shit such as "Ghost of NATO", who flies undetected F-16 and shot down all Russian Su-57s, numbering now by different estimates between 22 to 26 aircraft, a regiment really. Mark my words--that's coming. Here is documentary for ya...

This is exactly how real modern air combat looks like./s

Milonov, LOL)))

He is surely an article this Milonov guy. 

I cannot but recall:

That is why it is an immortal classic. But Milonov's idea is rather interesting--gliding high precision dildos and tactical pussies have a certain aura to them.

Why Info Operations By...

 ... what passes in the US as "joint force" fail miserably. Well, because even propaganda has to be based on some facts and truths. And don't get me started on understanding the nature of the conflict, let alone of the enemy. In Ukraine the US was taken on the ride by illiterate neocons and shysters from 404 who sold the US a copious amount of BS. 


This Is Not Really The News... has been known for a long time. 

In the humiliation of epic proportions the US sanctions on Russia failed miserably and the score of failures continues to grow. The US will now try to, indeed, steal Russia's $300 billion and that will be it for Dollar as the reserve currency. The main pillar of Dollar's status was always the myth of the "finest fighting force in history". Remarkably, this force cannot win a single war and even it allegedly advanced netcentric and comms capabilities it tries to run in Ukraine are being dealt with great efficiency. The latest issue of Military Thought describes what the US tries to accomplish there. Meanwhile:

Hm, how 'bout that. Where are the US Armed Forces to enforce the sanctity of the US Dollar. They should march to Russia and beat the crap out of those Russkies for disregarding USD and doing whatever those nasty Slavic untermenschen do. Damn, even in "defense agreement" with 404 US made sure to have the clause of the US troops not being in 404. Well, we all know the name of the game, don't we? Meanwhile the slaughter of VSU and its "advisers" continues unabated. Somebody will get really rich when he shoots down first F-16. R 15 million is a lot of money. People may say I exhibit all signs of schadenfreude. Wrong! I exhibit signs of a gigantic, uber-delightful schadenfreude.  

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Let Me Remind You...

 ... that Soviet Navy was constantly present in Cuba through 1960s to 1980s. Visits have been regular and even one of the classes of my naval academy went on navigation cruise Kronstadt-Cienfuegos-Cartagena in 1970s. Here is one of the missile cruisers of pr. 58 leaving Cuba in 1969. 

It is absolutely normal for the US to react by tracking these ships.
Obviously, the class of these ships--both carriers of hypersonic missiles and extremely long range advanced stand-off weapons under present circumstances with the US unleashing a proxy war against Russia is concerning for the US. It takes 3M22 Zircon about 9 minutes to fly to, God forbid, Norfolk if launched anywhere from Bahamas area. 

But I do not take these concerns too seriously because as a former naval professional I totally understand, as do people in the US Navy, it is what is NOT demonstrated by Russia that should be concerning for them and these are Russian Navy's nuclear subs which patrol off both US shores and do it in a fully clandestine manner. Their tasks, whatever they are, are to remain invisible first and foremost. Is Russia making a public point in Cuba? Absolutely, including highly publicized exercises on simulation of missile launches to the ranges beyond 600 kilometers with "autonomous targeting", meaning that targeting is obtained purely through own sensors and helicopter, not from the external targeting such as would be targeting from Liana satellite constellation. Gorshkov's Monolit radar in passive mode can track surface targets up to 450 kilometers. So, we may only speculate how such a long range targeting could be obtained autonomously. 

It is clear that Gorshkov carries latest version of venerable Ka-27, Ka-27M. 

The "M" version of Ka-27 carries new radar and extends surface search capabilities dramatically. So, most likely, it was Ka-27M (operational range 980 kilometers) which could have provided such targeting.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Military Porn...

 ... of Gorshkov and Kazan "launching". The key phrase in the segment--Targeting Autonomous. 

They have been training launches at the ranges of "longer than 600 kilometers" as reported in media. Hm, I wonder what that all means, wink, wink.

Colonel Clemente...

... needs to take basic course in geography, topography and... geometry--about 5-6th grades of middle school level. They cannot even lie professionally anymore. 


Monday, June 10, 2024

Ania And Me...

 ... just now. 


Will Russia Strike?

Yes, she will.

F-16 fighter jets and any airfields they are based at will be legitimate targets for the Russian military if they participate in combat missions against Moscow’s forces, the chairman of the Russian State Duma Defense Committee, Andrey Kartapolov, has warned. The comments come as Kiev prepares to receive the first delivery of US-made fighter jets from its Western backers, after Ukrainian pilots were trained to fly them. In a statement to RIA Novosti published on Monday, Kartapolov clarified that if the F-16s “are not used for their intended purpose” or are simply held in storage at foreign airbases with the intent to transfer them to Ukraine, where they will be equipped, maintained, and flown from Ukrainian airfields, then Russia would have no claims against its “former partners” and would not target them.However, if the jets take off from foreign bases and carry out sorties and strikes against Russian forces, both the fighter planes and the airfields they are stationed at will be “legitimate targets,” according to Kartapolov. 

For those who have questions about how such planes will be identified--it is rather easy. One word--Kontainer over-the-horizon radar. 

Range--3,000 kilometers, covers all of Europe. Sees and tracks aircraft on runways in Netherlands and Turkey, as an example.
So, there will be no difficulty in tracking which plane and how it flies. Meanwhile, Russian company Fores already announced the bonus of R 15 million for the first shot down F-16 (in Russian). Meanwhile VSU and their "supporters" from BBC and the rest of British media sewer continue to achieve "successes" by pulling out of their asses all kind of BS for the consumption by the brainwashed public. Here is actual Air Defense professional debunks fake from "destruction" of S-400 in Mospino (in Russian). And against the background of losses of towns and villages every day by VSU it is no surprise that VSU and their curators in the West desperately need some "good news". So, why not to imagine them.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Volkssturm 2.0.

But first, Volkssturm 1.0. 

Now to the 43rd motor-rifle brigade of VSU.

When pictures speak louder than words. How long, do you think, they are going to last in trenches (those who will survive) against Russian storm troopers when they will come to mop up what's left? You know the answer--a kindergarten kid (or nursing home dementia patient) against MMA professional fighter with winning record. Back to version 1.0. 

The history certainly rhymes. Per this: 

Too little, too late and, in the end, meaningless.

Responding To Ted Postol's Thesis...

 ... I explain why he operates with obsolete information and why the US now cannot face a strategic mistake (what's new?) of withdrawing from ABM Treaty and now it is sour grapes all over. America's "intelligence assessments" are a joke, as SMO demonstrated. 


Friday, June 7, 2024

Thank You For The Music, Gabriella...

... and for this Giokonda smile. Friday...

For Aqua, LOL--I am NOT a fan of "girl groups". Only two of them I hold in high esteem, both Japanese, Jazz Avengers and Love Bites. And, of course, Gabriella. Ah, wait, there is another one I love--The Shaggs;)) 

Some Numbers...

 ... on real war and field medicine. 


Nima And Yours Truly...

 ... on this and that. 


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Larry From St. Petersburg...

 ... and SPIEF. 


Zircons Paying A Visit..

 ... no, not Cuba and Venezuela only. This is the message. 

МЕХИКО, 6 июн — РИА Новости. Отряд из четырех кораблей российского Военно-морского флота прибудет с официальным визитом в порт Гаваны 12 июня, сообщило Министерство иностранных дел Кубы. "В период с 12 по 17 июня 2024 года порт Гавана с официальным визитом посетит отряд Военно-морского флота Российской Федерации в составе четырех кораблей: фрегат "Горшков", АПЛ "Казань", нефтяной танкер "Пашин" и спасательный буксир "Николай Чикер", — говорится в коммюнике на сайте ведомства. В Гаване отметили, что прибытие российских судов отвечает дружественным отношениям между Кубой и Россией, а также строго соответствует международным правилам. Там подчеркнули, что ни один из кораблей не несет ядерного оружия и их стоянка не представляет угрозы для региона.
Translation: MEXICO CITY, June 6 – RIA Novosti. A detachment of four ships of the Russian Navy will arrive on an official visit to the port of Havana on June 12, the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced. “In the period from June 12 to 17, 2024, a detachment of the Russian Navy consisting of four ships will pay an official visit to the port of Havana: the frigate Gorshkov, the nuclear submarine Kazan, the oil tanker Pashin and the rescue tug Nikolai Chiker.” , says a communiqué on the department’s website. In Havana, they noted that the arrival of the Russian ships is in line with friendly relations between Cuba and Russia, and also strictly complies with international rules. They emphasized that none of the ships carry nuclear weapons and their stay does not pose a threat. for the region.
These are the biggest guns in cruise missile business in the world. Gorshkov carries 32 Onyx, Zircon, Kalibrs and Otvet. These are the most advanced and deadly cruise missiles in history, with a serious combat pedigree. Kazan, which is Yasen-class SSGN carries also 32 VLS and, in addition, has 10 torpedo tubes which can shoot not just torpedoes. 
For people who long ago adjusted themselves to the realities of a modern missile combat it is absolutely clear that while both can strike all of the Eastern seaboard of the US and Canada, they are there not for that reason. God forbid it comes to real WW III there are plenty of Bulavas, Avangards, Sarmats and Yarses to deal with this horrifying business. No, both Gorshkov and Kazan are there to show that they can reach any combat ship or strategic sea lift vessel carrying any military combat set from North America to Europe in case of some nutjob deciding to try to survive a conventional war with Russia in 404. 
I want to remind you again about what just one Yasen-class armed only with 800-km range Onyx missiles can do in terms of possible "patrol" along the Atlantic SLOC:
Zircon carriers can sink any CBG or escort without even entering the risk zone of farthest edge of CBG patrol, including early warning aircraft. But, of course, Russia has more than two carriers of this "strike package". Plus, never forget good ol' pr. 949A Oscars, not to mention venerable pr. 971 Schuka (NATO Akula) who go to sea regularly. That's the message--in case of war the US will not be able to resupply and deploy additional troops to Europe.
In related news, commemorating 80th Anniversary of the D-Day, Biden didn't even mention a key role Soviet Union and Red Army played making Allied landing possible. But, of course, we all know, should have Patton planned and executed Operation Bagration he would surely have done it better than Russkies. Boy, I wish the guy was present at Kursk Battle.