Thursday, June 27, 2024

I Am With Larry...

 ... 100% here. For starters:

It is essentially a shit-show and senior citizen abuse. In the end, Joe is nothing more than barely moving carcass of a man, and even being a very bad man does not exonerate those people who run Joe from not offering him a serious senior care and letting him live last days of his pathetic life in peace. 

And then this:

He, and his curators from the West are genocidal maniacs who understood that the gig is up. Suddenly, these pieces of shit want "negotiations". Well, the conditions are known and they are with the expiration date which is nearing, after that more horror will be visited upon Kiev regime and his NATO handlers. US desperately needs "regrouping" in a futile attempt to somehow match Russia in what many in Washington see as a decades-long war. They have issues with basic math and Russia's industrial machine cannot be stopped now and is firing on all cylinders.

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