Thursday, June 27, 2024

Russian "Coast Guard"...

 ... or back to the future. There always was a misconception about Russian Coast Guard, which got this rebranding from Naval Units of Border Guards of KGB USSR after the collapse of the Soviet Union. No doubt, US Coast Guard and Russian Coast Guard always had a lot in common in terms of tasks, but there was a lot of difference too, especially in capability--Soviet/Russian Coast Guard was armed to the teeth being a recipient of the ships with Soviet Navy's pedigree. As a result huge number of Russian Coast Guard ships had full blown air-defense and ASW capabilities, carrying respective suites and weapon systems. Here is one of such examples:

This is the Coast Guard ship of 1st rank, project 11351 and as you can see yourself it carries not only artillery but full blown ASW suite, including torpedoes and even missile air-defense complex Osa. These ships have been retired since and it seemed that the trend on "de-militarization" of the Russian Coast Guard would continue until such news: famous Russian wharf Pella is developing now a Coast Guard ship on the... get this... project 22800 missile ship.
Now, when you begin to look at capabilities of this thing--it is anything but classic Coast Guard in Western tradition but a full blown corvette with a nasty punch.
Габаритная длина корабля будет около 67 метров, ширина около 12 метров и осадка около 3 метров. Полное водоизмещение около 650 тонн. Он сможет развивать скорость больше 30 узлов и проводить в море около 30 суток. Экипаж составит 40 человек. Из ракетно-артиллерийское вооружения предполагается к установке зенитно-ракетный комплекс «Ресурс» 3К96-3Е, артиллерийская установка АК-176 или «Буревестник», две артиллерийских установки АК-306, два пулемета 6П59 калибром 12,7 мм, два ручных гранатомета ДП-64 и комплекс постановки пассивных помех КТ-216.  Радиотехнический комплекс корабля предположительно будет состоять из боевой информационно-управляющей системы «Кремень», корабельного радиолокационного комплекс «Позитив 1.2», системы управления огнем «Багира» 3.2, система государственного опознавания Изделие 67Р, корабельного комплекса радиоэлектронного подавления МП-405-19, интегрированного мостиковой системы «Мостик-22800» и системы обеспечения безопасного применения оружия «Блокировка-22800».
Translation: The overall length of the ship will be about 67 meters, width about 12 meters and draft about 3 meters. Total displacement is about 650 tons. It will be able to reach speeds of more than 30 knots and spend about 30 days at sea. The crew will be 40 people. Among the missile and artillery weapons, it is planned to install the Resurs 3K96-3E anti-aircraft missile system, an AK-176 or Burevestnik artillery mount, two AK-306 artillery mounts, two 6P59 machine guns with a caliber of 12.7 mm, two DP- hand grenade launchers 64 and the KT-216 passive jamming complex. The ship's radio-technical complex will presumably consist of the Kremen combat information and control system, the Positiv 1.2 shipborne radar complex, the Bagira 3.2 fire control system, the Izdeliye 67R state identification system, the MP-405-19 shipborne electronic suppression complex, an integrated bridge the Mostik-22800 system and the Blokirovka-22800 system for ensuring the safe use of weapons.
For now they call it a "patrol ship" which will "assist" Coast Guard, but something tells me that realities of the world today are such that Russian Coast Guard will get its missile air-defense capabilities back and the presence of "Resurs" AD complex is an impressive capability for such relatively small ships. Well, will see where it all goes, but as I said, the worst nightmare for Russian Coast Guard, which didn't like to be missile AD ships, including being operationally included into the AD "package" for naval bases together with regular naval ships, thus getting additional duty, may come true)). Too bad, at least these ships do not have ASW capability--we did in our time)). Next thing you know they will stick Kalbrs on you and if the Coast Guard duties haven't been enough, welcome to surface strike "package". Hey, life today is such that you better have your guns (and missiles) ready especially at Western theaters of operation such as Baltic and Black Sea borders and littoral.    

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