Sunday, May 12, 2024

Patrushev Out--Shoigu In.

Belousov will become Defense Minister, Shoigu becomes the Secretary of Security Council instead of Patrushev. Shoigu, however, moves to his new position retaining much (and getting even more) of responsibilities he had as Defense Minister--as the head of the Commission on Military-Industrial Complex, plus he will be in charge of weapons' trade (in Russian). Here are some details:

Belousov is an "executioner" who will mop up whatever is left in Defense Ministry in terms of its apparatus corruption and streamlining many of the decisions in terms of everyday operations. This also has to do, methinks, with Timur Ivanov's and his network of economic criminals (and possibly foreign intel assets) who used SMO for their own interests. Nothing will change in terms of General Staff, that is people who run SMO. 

Meanwhile, this is how "military targets" look like for NATO--civilian apartment blocks--in Belgorod.

This is the only thing they know how to do in war--attack civilians. One of the issues which makes them so butthurt--Russian Forces are extremely cautious in terms of civilians in 404, hence an incredibly low count of civilian casualties in 404. Certainly, nothing even close to genocide by fake Israeli Army which is good only at "offensives" against women and children. I am sure they will teach Israeli "combat experience" at West Point as a way to "fight" the war.

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