Sunday, May 19, 2024


Shoot with what, morons? 

The West has no appetite for a direct military confrontation with Russia over Ukraine, UK Defenсe Secretary Grant Shapps has stated. He also suggested that Berlin is unwilling to provide its long-range missiles to Kiev for fear that they would be used to hit Russian targets in Crimea. On Tuesday, Shapps had said Britain has no problem with its weapons being used by Ukraine to strike the peninsula, which joined Russia in 2014 following a referendum. Most countries, however, do not recognize this territory as Russian. Earlier this month, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron also gave the green light to UK-made weapons being deployed to conduct attacks deep inside Russia. The Russian Foreign Ministry responded by summoning the British ambassador and warning that Moscow reserves the right to retaliate against “any British military facilities and equipment on the territory of Ukraine and beyond.”

The speed with which military-technological impotence of the West is being exposed is absolutely mind-boggling. Same goes for absolute degeneracy of military-political elites. 

Speaking to the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg on Sunday, Shapps explained that the West does not shoot down incoming Russian missiles over Ukraine because “we don’t want to be in a direct conflict with Russia... we don’t intend to go and fight that war.”

UK has about zero capability to shoot down anything, especially if it is against a complex salvo of drones and subsonic and hypersonic missiles. The change of rhetoric by London is a confirmation that the only skill NATO has is a trash-talk, the perspective to have RAF base in Cyprus wiped out or have a couple of remaining operational Royal Navy's frigates to be sunk obviously had a cooling effect. So, they do understand consequences after all. My video about this West's trash talk should be up fairly soon. These people from Washington do not even understand how pathetic they look while trying to pontificate on the issues of the real war. The impotent rage, the realization that they are not even in the same league militarily, that all their "military history" is a concoction of Nazi officers and white immigration who created the whole industry (same as Holocaust one) to justify their losing--here is (in Russian) the story of "one million Red Army soldiers executed by NKVD" as described about the author of this garbage by Russian historians. 

Печальный детектив: как известный писатель Виктор Астафьев предал своих товарищей и друзей

A sad thriller, how famous writer Victor Astafiev betrayed his comrades and friends.  

Pay attention to the issue of meeting in Rome and part of Russian immigration and intel people describing the "conditions" for Literature Nobel Prize. Same pattern, same as with Solzhenitsyn. Always the same. 

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