Monday, May 20, 2024

Well, Well, Well...

 ... not only him, but that's a good start;)) 

МОСКВА, 20 мая. /ТАСС/. Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский после капитуляции Киева должен быть арестован и предан суду либо же ликвидирован, как террорист. Об этом заявил ТАСС зампредседателя Совбеза РФ Дмитрий Медведев. "Дальнейшая (после капитуляции Украины - прим. ТАСС) судьба Зеленского нам не безразлична. Он должен быть пойман и предан суду за преступления против граждан России и украинцев. При невозможности доставки такого преступника должны применяться правила, практикуемые для террористов", - подчеркнул Медведев. "Именно такая судьба постигла духовного учителя Зеленского - Степана Бандеру", - напомнил он. 

MOSCOW, May 20. /TASS/. After the capitulation of Kyiv, the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky should be arrested and put on trial or liquidated as a terrorist. This was stated to TASS by Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev. “The further (after the capitulation of Ukraine - TASS) fate of Zelensky is not indifferent to us. He must be caught and put on trial for crimes against citizens of Russia and Ukrainians. If it is impossible to deliver such a criminal, the rules practiced for terrorists must be applied,” Medvedev emphasized. “This is exactly the fate that befell Zelensky’s spiritual teacher, Stepan Bandera,” he recalled.

For those who still don't get it--Medvedev IS NOT a "bad cop" in tandem with a "good cop" Putin. Medvedev is the SECOND in power in Russia's Security Council after Putin. Russia's Security Council is the MAIN strategic organ of Russia, a STAVKA of Supreme Command and State Defense Committee wrapped into one. What Medvedev states usually happens and he uses his massive media capabilities to convey what Russia REALLY thinks is going to happen. So, run Ze, run!Well, on the other hand--not gonna help, he is a dead man walking. Poroshenko, Avakov et al--get ready.

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