Friday, July 28, 2023

No, It Doesn't Fear...

... M1 Abrams "being captured". It fears it being paraded the same way German Leopards have been paraded--destroyed. 

Russians promised to display defeated NATO weapons in fronts of embassies of NATO countries in Moscow. So, I am sure seeing burned Abrams in a front of US Embassy in Moscow would be a humiliation the US doesn't want to face. But, at this stage one has to ask the question--where did the US get the idea of being a premier armor warfare power? From defeating inept Middle Eastern armies? I know there are many fans of IDF armor warfare and technological masturbation to Merkavas which lasted exactly till they faced off with Kornets at Litany. 

Plus, there is this teeny-weeny issue which is not counted--there is also a huge bounty for NATO weapons and it is paid by a number of Russian very rich patriots, such as Grigory Leps and they did pay out already. I don't know what current rate is, but I am sure there will be many takers. Especially considering Russian history with this type of the warfare. 

At this time I am not even sure that those people in the US heard of that:

Do they even have a grasp of the scale? I doubt it. In related news, Challengers are avoiding appearing on the front-lines of SMO. Evidently they have "issues", wink, wink;))  

Just a refresher how it usually looks like:

I thought I will just put it here for people to keep in mind that no US servicemen knows what is it to defend his family and home. Russians did it for 1, 200 years. In the end, Russians created this monster:
Which would simply blow up any Wehrmacht tank to smithereens with its 122-mm gun. Today, choices are so much wider across all domains. It is like a candy store for those hellbent on destruction. So, I just wanted to remind you about this.