Sunday, July 26, 2015

Russia's Navy Day

It is the last weekend of July and, as tradition goes, it is Navy Day in Russia.  It was celebrated on all 4 Fleets (including snafu in Sevastopol with URPK's dummy launch) and Caspian Flotilla. Celebration in Baltyisk (the main base of Twice Red Banner Baltic Fleet) was marked by the visit of Putin and a bad weather. They still did produce some bang for a buck (or, rather, for free) and all this showmanship for public, but most important things were happening on board of the newest Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov (project 22350) and were hidden from the eyes of general public. 

There, on board of Russia's latest frigate, new Naval Doctrine was announced. Well, it is not really a doctrine, nor is it purely naval, but for a government run by journalists (Rogozin) or Civilian Engineers (Shoigu) the latest "edition" of the Foundation of the Marine Policy had some very important points. Those who can read (speak) Russian can find them here:

Most important of those points is, finally, recognition of a simple fact that full independence from foreign technologies in shipbuilding industry is a must. This, plus, of course, recognition of NATO as a main threat to Russia's national interests. This alone signals a massive shift from "re-integration" with Europe to a completely independent maritime policy, which will, inevitably, lead to a development of both green water naval capabilities and, eventual, emergence of blue water capabilities which would lead to a global Sea Denial Force--what this author was calling for years. The more things change, the more they stay the same........