Wednesday, October 9, 2024

When One Is A Complete...

 ... imbecile and Bundeswehr general. They do grow them stupid and inhumane in Budndeswehr. 

Insgesamt entsteht der Eindruck, dass der Versuch der Ukraine, durch die Angriffe in der russischen Region Kursk für Entlastung zu sorgen und Russland zum Abzug von Truppen aus der Ostukraine zu zwingen, nicht aufgegangen ist.

Da muss man differenzierter hinsehen. Der Angriff auf Kursk hatte ja mehrere Gründe. Einen Grund haben Sie gerade genannt: Das war die Entlastung im Donbass. Es gab aber auch andere Gründe – etwa den, eine Überraschung zu schaffen und Bewegung in diesen scheinbar festgefahrenen Stellungskrieg zu bekommen. Das ist auf jeden Fall gelungen. Außerdem ist ein positives psychologisches Momentum entstanden - sowohl in Richtung der eigenen Bevölkerung als auch in Richtung der westlichen Unterstützer. Der Angriff ist ferner ein Signal an Russland. So wurden Tausende russische Kriegsgefangene festgesetzt, darunter viele Wehrpflichtige. Damit hat die Ukraine die Putin‘sche Propaganda einer Spezialoperation Lügen gestraft. Sie haben aber Recht damit, dass es nicht in dem Maße gelungen ist, eine militärische Entlastung im Donbass zu erreichen, wie das ursprünglich beabsichtigt war. Es wurden keine signifikanten russischen Kampftruppenverbände aus dem Donbass Richtung Kursk verlegt.

Translation: Overall, the impression is that Ukraine's attempt to relieve the pressure in the Russian region of Kursk through attacks and to force Russia to withdraw troops from eastern Ukraine has not worked. 

You have to look at this in a more differentiated way. There were several reasons for the attack on Kursk. You have just mentioned one reason: that was to relieve the pressure in the Donbass. But there were other reasons too - such as the desire to create a surprise and get this apparently deadlocked positional war moving. That was definitely successful. In addition, a positive psychological momentum was created - both towards the country's own population and towards its western supporters. The attack is also a signal to Russia. Thousands of Russian prisoners of war were detained, including many conscripts. In doing so, Ukraine has refuted Putin's propaganda of a special operation. But you are right that it has not succeeded in achieving the military relief in the Donbass that was originally intended. No significant Russian combat troops were moved from the Donbass towards Kursk.

Here is this cretin Major-General Freuding who wants to replay WW II but has no resources nor intellect to even grasp what is going on. 

I am not joking when stating that on operational-strategic level most of them are amateurs and sore losers. Here is a biography of this... clown. 

Yep, a total cadre officer materiel for the 21st century. Can he grasp COFM and how it factors into operational planning? 

They are amateurs in real war... Still cannot wrap my brains around--political "science" general. I wonder what Russian graduate of Tank Academy, Armour War College and Academy of General Staff, a commander of tank division, would talk about with this dude if they ever meet each-other in peaceful time in the bar? Russian general would get drunk from boredom when listening to this moron. In related news, to date VSU lost in Kursk area 21 350+ KIAs. There were also no "thousands" POWs on Russian side. In general, NATO planners like this dude manged to kill the whole Army Corps in Kursk--creme de la creme with most of it equipped with NATO hardware. Christian, find yourself good military academy to get REAL military education. If he headed Bundswehr's Planning and Command Staff... Good Lord!

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