Remember me
pointing out not for once that West's so called "elites'" feelings
towards Russians is, and I quote (myself):
Now the truth
begins to slowly emerge. Former US "intelligence" big honcho James
Clapper in his interview to NBC says it all:
Ah, those Russian
untermensch, how could they point out, out of their own "historical
practices", among which were such things as liberation of Auschwitz, the
fact that among typical Clapper's and his ilk "techniques" are
killing with impunity of millions of innocent civilians, destroying nations,
co-opting, penetrating, gaining....wait, these are Russian genetic traits. So,
there you are, we finally arrived to what I warned about. I know there were
some German POW camps in and around Phoenix, AZ in the immediate aftermath of
WW II. I think, Mr.Clapper should look very attentively into the possibility of
turning those into the concentration camps for untermensch, I mean Russians,
whose genetic composition is a clear and present danger to the American
"democracy". So, there you are, boys and girls--the
"best" what US "intelligence" could produce, and this are
also views of very many in US "elites". In the end, preserving of precious
bodily fluids is so important.