By now everyone who lives outside MSM news bubble should know this. Strategic ramifications of this success are immense. It is also a massive, possibly crippling, ideological blow to IS. President Putin already gave order for Russian Army's engineer-sapper units to start clearing Palmyra from mines, while State Hermitage will take active part in restoration of Palmyra's historic sites destroyed by IS savages.
It seems now that final defeat of IS in Syria is a matter of time. Syrian Army gave good account of itself but it also clear that Russian contribution in form of active air support, military advisers and employment of Russia's massive C4ISR capabilities played one of the key roles in this operation. Meanwhile in Europe, they sing Kumbaya songs, cry, light candles, say pious speeches and promise to double down on "diversity"--you know, the usual staff which traditionally defeats dangerous enemies. But during this important for Christians (Western) day of Easter, I want to wish all of them and to decent people of other confessions a happy Easter. As they say in Russia--Христос Воскресе, Christ Is Risen. And no better gift on this day than taking Palmyra.
Remember this?