Sunday, March 2, 2025

The School of Thought ...

... emerges, including among my friends both in Russia and the US (and you know the level of many of my friends--serious professionals), that the "deal" (so to speak) between Russia and the US has been already reached and the rest is a Kabuki Theater to put a front for what is happening under much stricter security. Here is a telltale sign. Vladimir Putin at Collegia of FSB on February 27. I suggest you read a full speech but here is this sign. 

Понимаем, что не всех устраивает возобновление российско-американских контактов. Часть западных элит по-прежнему настроена на сохранение нестабильности в мире, и эти силы будут пытаться сорвать или скомпрометировать начавшийся диалог. Мы это с вами видим. Нам нужно это учитывать и использовать все возможности дипломатии и специальных служб для срыва подобных попыток. А главное, как и прежде, нам важно твёрдо защищать свои национальные интересы, суверенитет, жизнь и свободы наших граждан от любых угроз. В этой связи ФСБ необходимо продолжать системную работу по всем профильным направлениям, и прежде всего это, конечно, борьба с международным терроризмом. Отмечу, что за последний год количество преступлений террористической направленности выросло, причём больше половины из них спланированы и организованы украинскими специальными службами и их кураторами.

Translation: We understand that not everyone is happy with the resumption of Russian-American contacts. Some Western elites are still determined to maintain instability in the world, and these forces will try to disrupt or compromise the dialogue that has begun. We see this. We need to take this into account and use all the possibilities of diplomacy and special services to disrupt such attempts. And most importantly, as before, it is important for us to firmly protect our national interests, sovereignty, life and freedom of our citizens from any threats. In this regard, the FSB must continue its systematic work in all relevant areas, and first of all, this is, of course, the fight against international terrorism. I would like to note that over the past year, the number of terrorist crimes has increased, and more than half of them were planned and organized by Ukrainian special services and their curators.

For those who will immediately (there are many of this kind) jump onto this with their suggestions on how "not to trust Americans" or "Russia should bomb Washington", I repeat, again--superpowers have ONLY two options in the XXI century: either start the WW III which will end with nuclear exchange or find modus vivendi. And yes, Russians are not naive. Anybody who doubts it--look up VSU's catastrophic losses. If you will not get it, I cannot help you in terms of developing the understanding of causality.