Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Mayor Of Moscow...

 ... decided to stop the charade and...

Мэр Москвы Сергей Собянин подписал постановление о переименовании площади Европы, расположенной вдоль Бережковской набережной неподалеку от Киевского вокзала. Новое название площади Европы – площадь Евразии, следует из документа, передает ТАСС. Площадь Европы открылась в 2002 году как символ единения континента, это был общий проект России и Бельгии, передает РБК.

Translation: Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin signed a decree renaming Europe Square, located along Berezhkovskaya embankment near the Kievsky railway station. The new name of Europe Square is Eurasia Square, follows from the document, TASS reports. Europe Square opened in 2002 as a symbol of the unity of the continent; it was a common project between Russia and Belgium, RBC reports.

Europe is an existential enemy of Russia and Russian people. It is akin to naming some square in Moscow after Goebbels. Of course, I do not mean that ALL Europeans are Russia-haters, but significant majority are. West's "elites" in general still view Russians as subhumans and have a visceral hatred of Russia on a genetic level. But here is another reason for renaming--Europe is fast becoming the peninsula of an incomparably larger Eurasia and it is not just geographic in nature--economically the fate of Europe is decided and you can see it here, again:

That pretty much sums it up and this trend cannot be reversed for Europe, because without real industries and machine-building complex, which EU sheds like crazy, there is no future. As some astute commenters suggested--there are plenty of dead-ends in Moscow, why not name one dead-end after Europe. Indeed, sounds fantastic--Europe's dead-end.

In related news: ah, yes, DEI hires... 

Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle has resigned from her post after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Cheatle stepped down one day after she testified to a congressional committee about law enforcement failures during Trump’s campaign rally in Pennsylvania on July 13. She has faced widespread calls for her resignation in the aftermath of the attack, where one rally attendee was killed and at least two other people were critically injured. A joint letter from both Democratic and Republican leaders on the House oversight committee called for her to step down after Monday’s hearing, where lawmakers were repeatedly frustrated by her inability to provide detailed answers about the Secret Service’s actions that day, with one Republican lawmaker telling her she is “full of s***”. In her testimony, Cheatle said the shooting was “the most significant operational failure at the Secret Service in decades”.

No shit, pardon my French. The whole world laughs at this "most significant operational failure" and it was a sheer luck that former and, highly likely future, POTUS hasn't been killed. While at it--check the background of the US Navy's CNO Lisa Franchetti--it is a wowser. My condolences to the US Navy.

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