Friday, July 26, 2024

Absolutely Correct...

 ... this is US "elites" consensus. 

Donald Trump may be clear-minded when it comes to Russian history, but he started the “sanctions race” with Moscow, President Vladimir Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov has said. In a Fox News interview earlier this week, Trump pointed out that the Russian “war machine” defeated both Napoleon and Hitler, so stopping the Ukraine conflict had to be a priority for him if re-elected. Meanwhile, his former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo outlined “a Trump peace plan” in the Wall Street Journal that seemed at odds with the Republican candidate’s actual position. Commenting on both matters, Peskov complimented Trump for “knowing history in such depth” as few other Americans seemed to, but maintained that he was still “a representative of the US political elite that is now definitely suffering from total Russophobia.” “Of course, we saw this article and various other statements. We have never worn rose-colored glasses,” Peskov told reporters.

Absolutely correct, it is the clock-work of American political machine--it either works this way or it disintegrates, the latter being the case now. And the issue is metaphysical--this is what I preach for years now. So, anyone who anticipates some kind of "resolution" to 404 and crisis of Russian-American relation let me reiterate what I speak about for years now: it was on Trump's watch when Russian-American relations got destroyed and 404 was pumped with weapons and "advisers" to the hilt.

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