Friday, May 24, 2024

Backtracking Now...

 ... no surprise here. Now it is same ol', same ol' PR rotine--"the shit was taken out of the context", "this is not what I meant" and other verbal diarrhea to cover up what amounts to blackmailing and threatening the high political official of an independent country. 

It turns out that one of the European Commissioners, the Hungarian Oliver Varhelyi, Commissioner for neighborhood policy and enlargement, threatened Georgian PM Kobakhidze with the fate of Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico, who recently suffered an assassination attempt. This was posted in Georgia government Official Facebook page: “Even against the background of years of blackmail, the threats that were voiced in a telephone conversation with one of the European Commissioners were striking. In particular, in his conversation with me, the European Commissioner listed a number of measures that Western politicians could take after overcoming the veto on the transparency law, and said while listing these measures – ‘You saw what happened to Fiсo, you should be very careful’, the post claims.”

Expectedly, the routine is such: 

“Varhelyi said in a statement he wanted to tell Kobakhidze not to inflame passions and the assassination attempt in Slovaka “was made as an example and as a reference to where such high level of polarization can lead in a society even in Europe”.

Sure, sure. Here is the guy's background:

Needless to say--normal people do not work for EC, especially near war criminal and US puppet von der Leyen. But, as Russian proverb goes: the word is not a sparrow, if it flies out you are not going to catch it. Even if you are a lawyer and sold your soul for verbal equilibristics and BS. Damage control all the way, but it is too late. 

Now, about "concerned citizens" who appear on this blog each time VSU sustains horrendous losses and loses badly, which is a normal occurrence. Immediately new accounts pop up on Disqus and begin to push all kinds of BS from telegram channels, many of which are of TSIPSO and GUR origin and begin to recycle all kinds of BS, including fake photos and videos about Russian losses. I want to stress it again, and I would have pinned this post to the top of the blog, but Blogspot doesn't have this function anymore. So:

1. Russians do sustain losses too, in blood and materiel. Those losses have minimal if any effect on operations and strategy. 

Those who do not understand these numbers--they need to attend elementary school and take basic classes on multiplication and division. It is a slaughter on industrial scale which NO NATO acting officer, let alone grunt has any concept of. They simply have no experience with that. Russian losses are a tiny fraction of all that, PLUS--you can easily multiply this number of Russian MoD by two and that will give you a close number of total daily casualties, with original number--1630 give and take--being the number of KIAs ONLY. Hence, all kinds of "concerned citizens" materialize. 

2. Now about Western legacy media--99% of those people who work or report for them are human and professional garbage, many of who should be behind bars as war criminals. Here is example: 

MOSCOW/LONDON, May 24 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to halt the war in Ukraine with a negotiated ceasefire that recognises the current battlefield lines, four Russian sources told Reuters, saying he is prepared to fight on if Kyiv and the West do not respond.Three of the sources, familiar with discussions in Putin's entourage, said the veteran Russian leader had expressed frustration to a small group of advisers about what he views as Western-backed attempts to stymie negotiations and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's decision to rule out talks.
Immediately: Reuters DOES NOT have any sources in "Putin's entourage" other than some lowly figure in some shitty Russian media outlet such as Kommersant who tells cretins from Reuters that he(she) has access to "Putin's entourage". Plus, UK "journalism" and lying are two sides of the same coin. So, these creeps invent shit. Well guess what, as usual, their BS is short lived, as are "numbers" by VSU about five Russian divisions they annihilate every day, and State Department and Pentagon believe(d) them due to professional incompetence. 
МИНСК, 24 мая — РИА Новости. Владимир Путин говорил о готовности к переговорам по Украине, но они возможны для того, чтобы достичь целей спецоперации, сообщил пресс-секретарь президента Дмитрий Песков, комментируя публикацию Reuters. Как утверждает агентство со ссылкой на источники, российский лидер якобы готов к диалогу с Киевом о прекращении огня, если украинские власти признают в качестве границ нынешние линии фронта. "Нет, это не так. Президент неоднократно говорил о том, что он готов к переговорам. Но это переговоры для того, чтобы достичь те цели, которые мы сейчас достигаем посредством специальной военной операции", — отметил Песков. Как уточнил представитель Кремля, Путин имел в виду, что составленные ранее сложные документы могли бы быть фундаментом для дискуссий, но не более того.
Translation: MINSK, May 24 – RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin spoke about his readiness for negotiations on Ukraine, but they are possible in order to achieve the goals of the special operation, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said, commenting on the Reuters publication. According to the agency, citing sources, the Russian leader is allegedly ready for a dialogue with Kiev on a ceasefire if the Ukrainian authorities recognize the current front lines as borders. “No, this is not so. The President has repeatedly said that he is ready for negotiations. But these are negotiations in order to achieve the goals that we are now achieving through a special military operation,” Peskov noted. As the Kremlin representative clarified, Putin meant that the complex documents drawn up earlier could be the foundation for discussions, but nothing more.
For those with the short memory--this is the same Russia's position since... 2022. It never changed. Losers from London and Washington now desperately need some kind of "good news" and because the BS is the only thing they can do--they pull "news" out of their asses. 
3. Finally, for those who still don't understand--I do not read or communicate with all those internet "military analysts" with the exception of military-intelligence professionals I PERSONALLY recognize as people of competence, professional and human integrity, be that in the US or in Russia. So far, my ass sensitivity on this matter didn't fail me strategically. So, whenever I hear such terms as "Russian sources" or some nobody uses this or that--I always go for the jugular and ask about their backgrounds. People are free to follow whatever they want and believe whatever they want, but military reality is always much more complex than media reports, let alone BS which infested info-space of SMO from day one. Operation "Ghost of Kiev" never stops, as numbers of Ukie babushkas shooting down Kinzhal hypersonic missiles with the can of pickles grow every day.
In conclusion: 

Генеральный штаб Вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ) сократит штатную численность на 60%, сообщил начальник Главного управления оборонного планирования Генштаба Евгений Острянский, передает ТСН. «За счет высвобожденного личного состава планируется доукомплектовать органы управления оперативного и тактического уровней, а также боевые части. Это, в свою очередь, позволит осуществлять ротации подразделений, длительно выполняющих боевые задания в зоне боевых действий», — сказал он и добавил, что во время боевых действий «должны усиливаться те структуры, которые непосредственно осуществляют управление группировками войск».

Translation:  The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) will reduce its staff by 60%, said the head of the Main Directorate of Defense Planning of the General Staff, Yevgeny Ostryansky, reports TSN. “Due to the released personnel, it is planned to replenish the command and control bodies at the operational and tactical levels, as well as combat units. This, in turn, will allow for the rotation of units that carry out long-term combat missions in the combat zone,” he said and added that during combat operations “those structures that directly control groupings of troops should be strengthened.”

Victory for 404 has never been so close. Should I comment on that?

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