Saturday, December 23, 2023

This Is What Happens Right Now...

... and many people begin to wake up to this. They wanted to make show out of warfare--they got their wish granted. 

And now they cannot take it. Yes, late Oliver Reed's snippet is the moment of realization and vindication... This was one of the last movies when Hollywood was truly great (so was Ridley Scott, before he fucked it all up with Prometheus franchise), granted that it is essentially a British movie with British greats, Australian... great (Russel Crow is a genius), Danish great (stunning Connie Nielsen) ... and, well, Joaquin Phoenix--a sick artistic genius. 

But strangely, it all fits with today's reality and the music so great that one cannot escape its magic with Hans Zimmer and Lisa Gerard...

Grasp those glimpses before the new world unfolds... Remember, I said Russia is an arc...she is. Now we are free... truly free. Use as the open thread...
OK, let me iterate... Draw parallels, they are irresistible...
This is our world today: from one side are perverts and low lives... from the other... people who are...

 Those things are beyond comprehension of Ivy League creeps.

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