Thursday, May 11, 2023

Told Ya.

Not that this is any news, but still...

МОСКВА, 11 мая — РИА Новости. Американский зенитный ракетный комплекс Patriot не мог сбить российскую ракету "Кинжал" из-за своих технических характеристик, заявил высокопоставленный источник в Минобороны. "Дело в том, что скорость полета ракеты "Кинжал" превышает предельные боевые режимы поставленных Западом киевскому режиму зенитных ракетных комплексов, включая и Patriot", — объяснил собеседник агентства. Кроме того, как напомнил источник, на конечном участке полета "Кинжал" совершает противоракетный маневр и практически вертикальный заход на цель, что исключает возможность его перехвата зенитными ракетными комплексами. Он назвал заявления о сбитой гиперзвуковой ракете вбросом и подчеркнул, что это — "попытка выдать желаемое за действительное".  Ранее руководитель пресс-службы Пентагона Патрик Райдер на брифинге заявил, что Украина якобы сбила российскую ракету "Кинжал" с помощью переданного ей комплекса ПРО Patriot.
Translation: MOSCOW, May 11 - RIA Novosti. The American Patriot anti-aircraft missile system could not have shot down the Russian Kinzhal missile due to its technical characteristics, a senior source in the Ministry of Defense said. "The fact is that the flight speed of the Kinzhal missile exceeds the maximum combat modes of anti-aircraft missile systems supplied by the West to the Kyiv regime, including the Patriot," the agency's interlocutor explained. In addition, as the source recalled, in the final phase of the flight, the Kinzhal performs an anti-missile maneuver and an almost vertical approach to the target, which excludes the possibility of it being intercepted by anti-aircraft missile systems. He called the statements about the downed hypersonic missile a hoax and stressed that it was "an attempt to wishful thinking." Earlier, the head of the press service of the Pentagon, Patrick Ryder, said at a briefing that Ukraine allegedly shot down a Russian Kinzhal missile with the help of the Patriot missile defense system transferred to it.
You see, Physics is not taught to Western media personalities and the graduates of political "science" departments, and SMO exposed a complete inability of "influencer" class both in the West and in Russia to get anything right technologically, not to speak of operationally and strategically. Different war, people, different capabilities, different level of expertise is required, unlike it was in XIX century where one could relatively easily explain to dames at aristocratic soirees the nature of the linear tactics and the meaning of smooth bore guns. Which brings us to this:

British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has confirmed that his government is supplying long-range cruise missiles to Ukraine. CNN previously reported that several Storm Shadow weapons have already been delivered. Wallace informed parliament about the arms transfer on Thursday, claiming it was a “calibrated and proportionate response” by London to the situation in Ukraine. He described the missile as a “long-range conventional-only precision strike capability,” but declined to provide details about the latest addition to Kiev’s arsenal of Western-provided hardware. “The use of Storm Shadow will allow Ukraine to push back Russian forces based within Ukrainian sovereign territory,” the secretary predicted. He downplayed the significance of providing the new capability to Kiev, stating that the missiles were “not even in the same league” as those available to Russia.

Ben Wallace, being a big honcho of toy armed forces of a backwater country, obviously, slept at all lectures on operations in Sandhurst thinking that attack on Sevastopol and Black Sea Fleet will "allow Ukraine to push back Russian forces"(c). But then again, the desperation with which UK tries to grasp for the last remaining straw of its long gone greatness is amusing. As T.S. Elliot once quipped: 

“Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm; but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.” 

America is important, for many wrong reasons, but she still is, for now anyways. London--is not, no matter how it tries. And tries it does not even understanding that 10 Downing Street will not like the response. Many people still cannot understand that the side which has escalation dominance automatically has more options and UK (and NATO) is not this side. Well, I guess Sevastopol has to get ready--not the first time it will face perfidious Albion, Sevastopol faced down much more serious enemies. In related news, the CEP of Kinzhal or 3M14 is measured in centimeters and the whole territory of UK is well within the range. But then again, they don't teach Physics to British ruling class.

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