Monday, October 21, 2019

A Review Of My Book (First) By French Revue Defense Nationale.

An interesting approach by French defense publication to my first book, except that they are critical of my "ad nauseam" reference to Great Patriotic War and losses USSR sustained in this war and, for some reason, think that while speaking about NATO's inability to defeat Russia in her geographic vicinity I am "boasting". 
Of course, there is no boasting here at all--mostly a warning to those in Western circles who still believe, due to their military illiteracy, in NATO's (that is US) military omnipotence, that their beliefs are false. After all, if RAND and Mr. Ochmanek are on the record that:
I wouldn't call it boasting, but a realistic assessment of military potential. After all, many American military professionals share my point of view of modern warfare in peer-to-peer scenario. But, in the same time, it is good that the book makes some circles on the water and that it may help a transition to a much more focused second one, which is about modern warfare. So, all in all, good that some form of discussion is developing beyond the confines of am English-speaking world. For that I am really grateful to Revue Defense Nationale. In the end, my Google Translated impression is that the revue is generally positive. And, yes, I often do talk in broadsides--in fact, under present conditions, it seems the only way to address the most important issue of war and peace. 

Here is the link, just in case. 

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