Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Europe, Enjoy;-))

In yet another sign of Washington getting its partners (vassals) in order (going completely off the rails)--some funny news from El Pais.  
Más gasto en armamento, sí. Pero independencia estratégica, no. Estados Unidos ha advertido por escrito a la Unión Europea de que sus planes actuales de defensa están poniendo en peligro décadas de integración de la industria de defensa transatlántica y de cooperación militar a través de la OTAN. La misiva, fechada el pasado 1 de mayo y a la que ha tenido acceso EL PAÍS, llega cargada de amenazas, más o menos veladas, de posibles represalias políticas y comerciales si Bruselas mantiene su intención de desarrollar proyectos europeos de armamento sin apenas contar con países terceros, ni siquiera con EE UU. La diatriba del Departamento de Defensa contra los planes europeos agrava la tensión entre Europa y la Administración de Donald Trump cuando los ánimos ya estaban soliviantados por la negativa de Alemania y Reino Unido a impedir la participación de la empresa china Huawei en el desarrollo de la telefonía de quinta generación.
Translation (Google): More spending on weapons, yes. But strategic independence, no. The United States has warned in writing to the European Union that its current defense plans are endangering decades of integration of the transatlantic defense industry and military cooperation through NATO.The letter, dated on May 1 and which has been accessed by EL PAÍS, comes loaded with threats, more or less veiled, of possible political and commercial reprisals if Brussels maintains its intention to develop European armaments projects with hardly any countries. third parties, not even with the United States. The diatribe of the Department of Defense against the European plans aggravates the tension between Europe and the Administration of Donald Trump when the spirits were already soured by the refusal of Germany and the United Kingdom to prevent the participation of the Chinese company Huawei in the development of the telephony of fifth generation.

Well, I feel the pain, of course (not really;)) but, dear Europe, allow me to quote to you none other than Lord Ismay about the nature of NATO, which, in his words, was needed: "to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down". Does anyone see here anything about "Democracy", defense or sovereignty? I don't see anything. Of course, those dumb Soviets who lost 27 million defending themselves from this very Europe (actually, since middle ages) never really cared about attacking NATO and wanted to be left alone, but, of course, Europeans are not that good with serious military-political analysis, especially when this "analysis" is controlled from Washington, but never mind. So, now is the time to reap what one sowed--Europe wanted "defense" from mythical Russian threat, so let Europe be "defended". 

What did they expect? That their "defender", who looked at them for 70 years as vassals is going, in the minute of its own decline, to think about welfare of Europeans? It is down right funny. No, I mean it--I know modern Western "elites" are dumb, but to be dumb that bad. Europe's purpose for the United States is three fold, it always was:

1. As a market for the American weapons and other goods;
2. A ram against historic Russia (USSR);
3. Theater of operations for a conflict with Russia with a caveat that US proper remains largely untouched.

Period. Yeah, yeah, I get it, visiting European stones and graves, and indulging in exquisite (not anymore) cuisine and art, is good, but this always was a bonus, nothing more, for Europe's American overlords. Now that US explicitly defined Europe's place as that of the American bitch (she always was), I don't see why Europeans should feel insulted. They better start learning their own REAL history of the 20th century and try to figure out how they ended up where they are today. Obviously, whoring out own sovereignty to someone who merely uses Europe (as a bitch) inevitably lead to this European "conclusions", from El Pais:
 The US Department of Defense warns that, in its view, the Fund's project and PESCO "represent a dramatic reversal after three decades of increasing integration of the transatlantic defense industry." Washington adds that "not only could the constructive relationship between NATO and the EU be damaged, but it could potentially revive the confrontational discussions that dominated 15 years ago our contacts on European defense initiatives." "We are facing a clear conflict of interests," says Luis Simón, director of the Office of the Elcano Royal Institute in Brussels and principal investigator of that center of studies. Simon recalls that "the American industry has a very strong presence in the European market." And that the US observes the first steps of European defense policy, however timid, as a potential threat to its dominance both in the European market and in third countries. But Donald Trump's government does not limit itself to expressing its complaints and reproaches harshly. The letter from Lord, a veteran of the armaments industry with more than 30 years of experience, also contains serious warnings and threats about the consequences that will be unleashed if Brussels goes ahead with its plans. "It is clear that if the US imposes similar reciprocal restrictions, it would not be welcomed by our European partners and allies," says the Undersecretary of Defense. "We would not like to have to consider it in the future," he warns. And remember the multi-million dollar impact that this decision could have on European companies in the sector. 
What can I say, Europe? Enjoy, you totally deserved it. Sorry, couldn't resist;-) 

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